India-Pakistan I Cold Start Doctrine

Power of Narrative in the 21st Century

Well, I start this blog with a famous saying of Joesph Nye he said; "In the information age, it's not just whose army wins, but whose story wins." 

The saying may haven't landed in your mind and in fact, I was too who failed to pick up the idea of this quote. After concerning with high intellectual people I realized the saying is so powerful which summarized the information warfare in a single line.

I'll try to explain it in layman's terms so that everyone can understand. Assuming, a murder happens, the killer is identified, the police came and grab the killer. What would be his first words? I'm innocent and did nothing, someone trapping me, these are the words which he may say just try to prove himself innocent for sure unless proven guilty, even he'll hire a lawyer to prove himself innocent.

History always be subjective, so, if he writes the history, he'll make logic to prove himself innocent, and the family of the victims writes opposite of it. Two stories have been made. The first story is of a killer who is trying to prove his innocence by lying tactics. The second story is based on the reality of a poor victim whose family trying to prove the murderer as a victim killer.

So, after 100 years, no one would be sure about the truth, the way most people look at the story is based on articulation and will pass their judgment on that whether it be right or wrong. 

The same thing happening in the 21st century, known as the Narratives War. What you've read is essentially the narratives coming from the western mind. The way you look at the world is basically from their perspective nor you that's why we somehow lose our identity. 

The large Multinational Corporation holding a monopoly on narratives, violence, power, resources, and justice, which means they control the mind of the people based on their data. They can influence the mind of the people, change the narrative of the people, by changing simple algorithm in their systems.This is more dangerous than qonquring land of the state; because once yoy've the data you can rule the mind of the people, that's why I still believe we're not lived in a post-colonial era. 

Well ending this read I just add Ali Smith quote: 

"Ever great narrative is at least two narratives, if not more - the thing that is on the surface and then the things underneath which are invisible."

