India-Pakistan I Cold Start Doctrine

Pearl Harbor Attack: Event that led the United States in World War II

The event that bring the official entry of US in World War II, the war which left many destructive events, leaving around 75 Million people dead  including civil and military causalities.

Pearl Harbor attack is one of the high intense event of World War II,  this was a surprise aerial attack by Imperial Japanese Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii on 7 December, 1941. The attack referred from Japanese Military leadership as Hawaii Operation or Operation Z with aimed to preventive action to keep the US Pacific Fleet from intervene with its planned military intervention in the Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the UK, Netherlands and the United States.    

On Sunday morning just before 8am, 353 Japanese fighter aircraft descended on the base with two different waves, launched from 6 aircraft carriers, they managed to destroy US main battleship including 20 naval vessel, eight battleship, cruisers, three destroyers and more than 300 airplanes were completely destroyed, damaged ships later raised including USS Arizona and other went on to fight in the war.  
Moreover, thousands of American died in the attack and rest are severely wounded. 

As the attack was surprised, the Japanese didn't suffer much damage. 30 of their aircraft and five midget submarine lost and 64 military persons were killed. The commanding officer of one of the submarines, Kazuo Sakamaki was captured later. 

After this event Japan officially announced war on the United States.   

Why did Japan attack on Pearl Harbor? 

It all started with Sino-Japanese war, Japan declared war on China in 1937, the reason is Japanese regime believed that the only way to solve economic and population problem was to expand its territory to neighbor China and take over its import market, United States was unhappy with Japanese attitude.

In 1941, the US ceased all the economic relation with Japan and stop essential supplies like oil, in respond to Japan aggressive policy.
As the bilateral relation getting worse and the German invasion of the soviet Union in June 1941 bring a new chapter, as Japanese think that Soviets were not a longer threat for us on Asian mainland. As the only hurdle is US Pacific fleet, once it was neutralized all of Southeast Asia would be open for conquest, and it was attacked. 
But, the attack did not do much damage to the United States, in fact all the main Pacific Fleet's carriers were not present on Dec 7 attack. Resulted, US Navy quickly recovered from the attack     

America enters in World War II:

Before this event United States was not taking part in World War II, after the Pearl Harbor attack Americans were united against the rival, and at last on Dec 8 Congress declared war against Japan, this make official entry of US in World War II.

After three days of attack, the allies of Japan Germany and Italy also declared war against the United States. 
Then World War II begin with full scale.....
